Wednesday, 22 April 2015

javan holiday highlight

Hi I’m going to tell you about my holiday only if you want me to but I know you do. In the holiday I went to sleep over my friend but I was lazy. In the morning I woke up late and my bakefest was really small. The only thing I ate was weet bix . I was still hungry and then I took my bowl into the sikh. After that me and my friend went to go watch TV. I changed it to cartoon network and we were watching Regular Show. It was so funny but my friend turned the TV off and said get up lets go play cricket because he had a cricket set. So I ran to put on my shoes and then I went outside to get the cricket set. after my friend said choose a trem I chose australia because my favourite bowler is mitchell stark. When we were playing it was get dark but we were still playing. After my friend bowled it to me it was going straight. And then I baited the ball over the fence. We went to go get it but there was a cat it looked like it was going to bit my friend so I went with him. We came back I told my friend we would stop playing and go for a shower. And then I had to go back home for school. The most thing I like was no school and I get to sleep over my friends.

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