What It Feels Like To Be F.O.B
In my school I’m in the top 10 for being F.O.B which stands for fresh of the boat.My friend’s Toni and Richard they are in the top 5 for being F.O.B. Being F.O.B is fresh and people laugh at F.O.B people because they are funny and when F.O.B people speak it’s funny as well. Me and my friends tries to be like this guy called Boom Bullet. He’s Facebook Famous because of his videos he take’s of himself because he talks F.O.B. All of my friends speak F.O.B every day because we love laughing at each other in a good way. We also listen to F.O.B music like DJ NOIZ
& DJ FLe , DJ AFAKASI DJ TWITCH and DJ PlATYFOB. DJ NOIZ and the other DJ’s get random songs and make it cool and mix other song with them that's why my friends like their songs. F.O.B guys or girls dress different to how other people dress up. They dress up funny or ugly but it still looks cool because it’s their own style.that's what it feels like to be F.O.B
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